Sunday 15 November 2015

Sunday Baking: Stir it up

I have been making Delia Smith's Creole Christmas Cake for at least 20 years now. It doesn't come out every year but it is a firm favourite; since Sib is going to be in the country this Christmas and he's so partial to it, I have got it going today ready for this Christmas.

I usually tweak the recipe a bit, according to what I have on hand. This year I have used dried cherries instead of glace, roughly chopped almonds instead of chopped mixed nuts; and the booze was -
3 tbsp rum
1 tbsp Cointreau (all that was left in the bottle)
5 tbsp cherry brandy
3 tbsp Becherovka, my favoured east European drink that tastes like Christmas

We'll see how it comes out.

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