Thursday 12 November 2015

Throwback Thursday

Since I've just had a recent trip to Berlin, it stirred up memories of when I went 10 years ago, on an amazing free trip for history teachers, organised by the German government. We were exceptionally spoiled for five days - visits to the education ministry, publishers, schools, as well as all the usual touring and a really spectacular evening at a cabaret. It was really interesting to see how different the city is now to how it was ten years ago - I didn't remember that when we visited the Holocaust memorial, it had only been open for a couple of weeks.

There were 20 of us on the trip and I'm not in touch with any of them, this being before Facebook. However, I recently came across the delegate list and realised that I see one of them at the history conference every year, and she's actually quite a VIP in exam circles.

Interested, I posted this picture of me with two of the folks I hung out with the most during the trip, Matt and rachel. here we are at Potsdam, trying to recreate the famous picture. Matt is being Stalin.

I shared the picture on Twitter when it popped up in Timehop last May and was pleased when somebody responded to say she knew Matt and that he's in a senior leadership position now in the northeast somewhere. Good for him! I still remember our long conversation about career progression routes as we wandered the gardens of Charlottenburg. It was, coincidentally, the second inset I did with him that year.

No word on Rachel, though. Hopefully she is also doing well.

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