Thursday 5 November 2015

Throwback Thursday

I spent a summer doing Camp America during university. I made some amazing friends, some of whom I have on Facebook, and one of them reminded me about the Indigo Girls this week, so I have been listening to this song A LOT. I had never heard of the Indigo Girls before camp, but it was a Girl Scout Camp with a 97% female staff, in the 1990s, so I could hardly have avoided it.

It's very folksy. I remember coming back with it on tape and my boyfriend at the time saying, "WTF is this?" when I put it on in his car. Mr Z was not quite so blunt, but he did raise an eyebrow. Sometimes when I listen to it I am surprised that I like it, it's not my usual style; but it has a large number of happy memories connected to it. Also this week it has ACTUALLY made me me want to get out a map and stick my finger on it and just go. The caretaker had to ask me to lock my own classroom for the second time this week today and queried it in a concerned tone. I told him I was in hiding from my life.

I am a bit whiny, aren't I? I burnt my lip on my dinner earlier so I will blame that. Dinner was burgers, though. It's better than burning your lip on some kind of worthy lentil and root vegetable stew.

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