Monday 21 November 2016

Weekend WIP

After ignoring it all week because the tangle of yarns was so intimidating, I have really gone to town on these sleeves this weekend.

I've added another 13 stripes and now that I am here, I think 40 stripes might be quite close to the right length after all, plus the ribbing. The single skeins have held up splendidly but I fear there might only be one more purple stripe left in the ball. I can manage eight more stripes on just one more purple so hopefully that will do it.

Jenny did some very supportive cheerleading on Saturday at knitting group as I stared dolefully at the growing yarn tangle caused by knitting sleeves two at a time using both ends of four separate cakes of yarn, so I persevered for as long as I could; but in the end I had to cut and untangle because, while it has a goodly proportion of silk in it and was therefore sliding nicely, the yarn did eventually get glued together with little scraps of fluff, as happens sometimes, and I couldn't do anymore sliding. I'm not mad about it: I can use those ends to cinch the start of the rounds together at the end because they're looking a bit dodgy.

Aim for this week: finish the cuffs and pick up for the button band by Friday.

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